Yes to this! I have often wondered how much of this is a problem for women vs men. We are so trained to be the nice girls. I think I’ve been trapped in very similar situations... who hasn’t with these MLM schemes too? Or solicitors! I bet because you’ve taken the time to write this and share it that you will be better about saying no when you mean no next time.

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Thank you for your comment and validation. I guess it is more than just a Canadian thing then, eh? lol I do believe I will be better at saying no, now that I have taken the time to think deeply about the regretful yeses I have given. ;)

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Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023Liked by Patricia Meier

Yep. I feel you. I'm the same way. I just listened the Podcast "On Purpose" hosted by Jay Shetty about "people pleasing." Highly recommend. He offers some very helpful tips. To Stephanie's point, he mentions a YouGov poll from 2022 where 51% of women respondents said that they thought they would be described as "people pleasers." The tips that resonated with me were learning to say "No" in a nice way and not over-apologizing. The other great take-away is the practice of communicating our needs to ourselves. Jay Shetty suggests asking yourself this question every morning: "What's the one thing I have to do today to make this a great day." I've been practicing saying no this week and it's been pretty liberating. I hope I can stick with it. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/7-signs-youre-a-people-pleaser-7-methods-to-break-this-habit/id1450994021?i=1000619764297

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Well done and thank you for the link! The other thing that I need to remind myself of often is that No or No, thank you are complete sentences. I do not owe the gent at the door from Plan Canada an explanation at all...

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