Patricia I am so glad you referred me to this piece of yours. I’m so grateful to be walking a similar path knowing you are too! And your Interlife Session notes are extraordinary, thank you for so generously sharing those insights with us. The graveyard and keeper resonated with me also, that there is so much healing to be done and yet, to be most affective I must not invite those folks in close, to lovingly set boundaries and to instead focus on those who are vibrant further back along the lineage and ask for there support first.

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Oh, I am pleased that it resonated with you and appreciate you taking the time to tell me so. They did tell me that the stories I share on SS will land where they are supposed to, however, it is nice to have validation from time to time that they make a difference.

With respect to boundaries... yes, yes, YES! It is imperative that we create and maintain boundaries. We may think that by taking on another's burden that we are lightening their load and that is definitely not how it works.

When I learned the Yuen Method of healing, we were taught not to interfere with another's release, for instance. We were not to touch their shoulders, hug them, or even offer a tissue as that would be a signal for them to stop. We have been conditioned that our emotions are not to be shown to the world.

We can inspire, influence, and hold space; that is the best gift we can give to another as they work through their experiences to the other side.

Thank you again. I found your message as I sat here at my keyboard trying to determine today's topic. ;) I may have found it in my answer to you. <3

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Patricia Meier, Patricia Meier

I really appreciate that insight on interfering with release. Such a reinforcement of the importance of holding a safe and loving container for each other. We can’t do another’s work for them. And I’m so happy to know our conversation helped orient you towards your next topic! I love commenting and chatting and the to and fo weaves in each other’s perspectives and insights and ways of seeing. It helps me so much too

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