Apr 10, 2023Liked by Patricia Meier

This is exactly where I'm at and I know with what's currently going on within is a reflection of what is going on on the outside. I felt that shift this morning after a call dealing with a difficult coworker and lead the rest of the conversation with much more ease than it would have had. I'm working on this and just like everything else, is a practice, something to be done consistently over time. Thank you.

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If you want to know the power of Ho'oponopono, check out this article on how Dr. Hew Len emptied a prison for the criminally insane. With respect to your difficult co-worker, I empathize. I had that experience as well. I thought I would be free of him when I applied for a completely different job... then they posted the mirror position in the north of our province; Guess who got the position? Yes, the difficult coworker. My lesson was, if I do not heal with is in me that allows him to rub me the wrong way, he or someone who looks and acts like him will just keep following me.

Good luck on your quest. I bet your spiritual tools will help you find peace. Big Love to you!

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I love this practice. I have used it in my life a lot and surprisingly in the business context when competitors or other people act nefariously. I notice after consistent practice, they tend to stop : )

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Excellent! That is what Dr Hew Len found in the prison. He never actually met with the prisoners, simply working to clean and clear their deeds through their files.

Isn’t it amazing?!

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