I greatly enjoyed this story about healing. I’m a believer in homeopathy, forgiveness, and synchronicities. Life is full of surprises.

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Thank you! This was my first experience with homeopathy. Have you used it for specific things? Care to share your experiences?

I have a follow up meeting with the homeopaths on Tuesday. Not sure what we will tackle next…

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My dogs had a homeopath before Jon and I did. When I witnessed my Papillon, who had been stung by a bee go from limping to jumping after giving him apis in a health food store and the same dog with a bloated belly at the homeopath's home go from stressed to relieved after a remedy followed by a 10 minute walk, I was convinced. Dogs don't respond to placebo effects. My husband used a remedy for poison ivy and another after a heart attack when he developed a rash from some medication (iv dye). I use arnica for bruises, after dental treatments, and for general pain or swelling.

Some homeopaths use a remedy for the symptom, but the classically trained ones, like yours, take your life history and use it to choose a remedy for the person's personality, for lack of a better word.

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Thank you sharing your experiences! Yes, I do believe she is looking at the root cause. I am excited to see what happens next!

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