Love this, Patricia. I’ve learned a few lessons the hard way as well.

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Thank you for commiserating! :) I think I needed to learn it this way, to not repeat it. There were some really good things I learned about myself and of course, Human Design is incredible!

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Thanks Patricia! Of all three parts of this story, this is my favorite entry. You've really turned the "lead" of that experience into gold with these Oz-some lessons!

Specifically, I like Lesson #3: Lead, don't follow the path.

That's a tough one for me personally. Many times I have shied away from the call to leadership by disproportionately "assigning" authority to others. I will have to gently work on that moving forward!

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Excellent. Thank you for acknowledging my nod to Oz. It was my favourite movie as a child.

We really do need to be the CEO’s of our own lives, don’t we?

Future article plans include ways to tune into our body’s internal wisdom. Hope you stick around for more. 😁

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Amen. Looking forward to it! Have a great weekend :)

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