I have a lofty goal in this lifetime. I would like you and everyone else to simply Love Themselves, to Forgive Themselves for any perceived wrongdoing, and Accept Themselves exactly as they are right now!

My Weird and Wonderful Life will include:

       Hypnosis journeys to Past Lives, Interlife, & Future Lives.

       Relationship lessons from marriage, divorce, & marriage again.

       Self-Forgiveness and Self-Acceptance.

       Ancient Wounds: what are they and how to heal them.

       Being Love: How to get from here to there.

       Anything else Weird and Wonderful that I think you might like to read


It is my intention to keep My Weird and Wonderful Life free to read forever. The option to be a paid subscriber is available if you find that you are benefiting from this blog and wish to show your support by way of a paid subscription. The best way to support me is to share your thoughts, ideas, and how the things that I share help you in your life.

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Do you feel alone in your spiritual experiences? Feel like no one would believe what you heard, saw, or felt? This page is for you! Here I share my journey to feel Connected, Loved, and Enough; filled with hypnosis, channeling, & energy work.


Writer, hypnotist, energy worker, sound healer, Soulpreneur @ sparksofhealing.ca